Our Mission & The Gospel
As members of the church of Christ, we are trying to reach out and serve people.
We are getting our Christianity out of the church building.
We are convinced this is what God wants us to do.
Would you help us practice our Christianity?
Let us serve you.
Is there anyone in the hospital we can visit?
Do you or do you know someone who could use help?
Does anyone need food or clothing?
Anyone that needs prayers?
Not only are we concerned with people's physical needs, but also spiritual needs.
So many people are sad and lonely right now. They feel lost.
Can I ask you a question?
What if the Lord were to come right now?
Would you know for sure, nothing doubting,
that you would go to Heaven?
Be honest with yourself.
Which answer fits best?
Yup - I Know for sure.
I have No Idea.
I'm not sure.